
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Chicken Drumsticks, Peas & Choosing JOY!

I am looking back today! In June 2008 we were in process of moving across country. My husband had stayed in Alaska to finish up some business details, the kids and I were at my mom and dad’s in Florida waiting to move to Tennessee, yeah, life was a little complicated! Anyway, here is a journal entry that I wrote back then. I found it as I continue gathering material for the book that I am writing, so essentially you are getting a little sneak peak……enjoy!

“Today I woke up and almost immediately asked the question “who took my children?” I was convinced from very early on that Curious George and his friends from the zoo had come in sometime during the night and replaced my dear ones. It just seemed like from the moment they stepped out of bed things went downhill.

They were so loud! Jaden and Adam fought continuously. Leah was having intestinal problems, which resulted in a funny dance type move and trips to the potty every 5 to 7 minutes. There was bouncing from bed to bed, couch gymnastics, yelling, screaming, arguing, and general horrid behavior. For most of the day I felt like I was going to pull my hair out, and on more than one occasion I just had to walk away.

We are in transition. Grandpa has been gone for a few days and they are still adjusting to being away from their daddy, life is confusing right now for our little ones; I have to be understanding. So many things going on I am starting to wonder if I am going to get through it with my sanity.

Leah was tough today, whined and cried all day. Not sure if it was because of her bathroom issues or what, but you never quite know with little Leah. I love her dearly though, she is my girl.

Then dinnertime rolled around and things were looking up a little. We had made it through the majority of the day without an ER visit and without me checking myself into that ‘special place’ people go to ‘rest’ and ‘get better’. I had a healthy meal prepared, oven-fried chicken, broccoli, peas, potatoes, and some kind of fruit. They all seemed pleased when it came to the table, “good” I thought, “maybe things are turning around”. We said grace, and all seemed well. With the kids settled at the table I left for a few minutes to tend to something else and upon my return found a sight that made me laugh so hard I had to leave the room. The twins were playing baseball with their chicken legs and peas! They were so intense and so encouraging of one another “good one Leah Lou!” Evan said as Leah hit a home run across the table. It was one of those moments when as a mom you have a choice. I ‘should’ have done something, handed out some form of discipline for bad table manners but I couldn’t, I just didn’t have the words. It’s times like this that I have to relish the gift of motherhood, the bad and the good, and determine to enjoy every moment. To realize that sometimes laughter is the best medicine”

Now four years on, I can look back on this fondly and be thankful that my children who had been the source of my frustration all day were actually the ones that turned my heart towards the Lord. Discouragement is always around the corner waiting to pounce, and so often our response to things determines the behavior of the people around us; our husbands and children, the lady in the grocery store, the difficult customer service rep on the phone

So my encouragement for you ladies today is, when faced with a situation, no matter how frustrating, CHOOSE JOY!


  1. Good story! I had a similar thing happen, being so frustrated with the kids, and the thought that I'm supposed to somehow "be joyful" in the midst of the chaos, I started almost sarcastically singing "Joyful joyful we adore thee..." and the kids joined right in, (they know it from their bedtime CD) and we sang it together! By the time we were done, we were all giggling and I couldn't even remember what I was so upset about! So definitely the answer to being joyful in anything is to CHOOSE joy, like you said!

  2. Katie you are something else! The way you handle all that you have on your plate is amazing. :)



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